Rental deposits - All you need to know
Category Property Advice
While the rules for handling rental deposits are outlined in the Rental Housing Act, there are still a few misconceptions amongst landlords and tenants.
Things to know before building the perfect house
Category Property Advice
Building the perfect house in South Africa is not as difficult as it seems. These are the vital things to know before building the perfect house:
Smart tips for buying your dream home
Category Property Advice
To avoid any chance of buyers remorse, it is wise to be well prepared. These smart tips will help you buy the home of your dreams:
Factors that can decrease the value of your home
Category Property Advice
Ideally, property values are meant to appreciate over time, however, they can fluctuate due to unforeseen measures.
Steps to achieving financial freedom
Category Property Advice
Financial freedom allows people to live the life they want without worrying about bills and sudden expenses.
Lockdown? How to have some safe fun at home
Category Property Advice
While some people join the world-wide phenomenon of working remotely, many individuals have given in to boredom. Here's how to have some safe fun at home:
How to be a great tenant
Category Property Advice
Being a sought-after tenant has the ability to secure lower rents and more. Here's how to become a sought-after tenant:
Tips for buying your first home
Category Property Advice
Buying your first home is an exciting time in your life. Here are a few tips to help you understand the process of buying a home in South Africa.
How to identify a great rental
Category Property Advice
Finding the perfect rental now will save you money in the long run. Here's how to identify a great rental.
Working from home - Is it for you?
Category Property Advice
Working from home may be like a dream to most people, but is it for you?