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How SPLUMA will affect sellers

How SPLUMA will affect sellers

According to new legislation, all municipalities will have to be compliant with the SPLUMA (Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act) by October 2020.
Investec cancels bonds on 3,600 houses in Gauteng townships

Investec cancels bonds on 3,600 houses in Gauteng townships

Investec, at its own cost, is cancelling the mortgage bonds and distributing 3,600 title deeds for houses in 15 townships around Gauteng.
How one estate agent began a movement

How one estate agent began a movement

It takes only one match to light a fire - the #Imstaying Facebook group started by former estate agent Jarette Petzer has truly taken off
The evolution of South African Real Estate

The evolution of South African Real Estate

The evolution of South African Real Estate
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