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Green cleaning saves you money and makes chores a breeze to handle.
Green cleaning saves you money and makes chores a breeze to handle.

Green clean your home today

Cleaning your home is a basic must for all homeowners. However, the cleaning products that you use may be harmful to your home and the health of your family. Green cleaning has become extremely popular with households for many reasons other than being kind to the environment. 

What is green cleaning?
The main goal of green cleaning is to use cleaning solutions and methods that keep your family and the environment healthy. Green cleaning often uses methods that help keep your home green - for instance, methods that reduces waste. 

Some households go to the extent of using only green cleaners with only natural substances such as baking soda, vinegar, and lemons to clean the home surfaces. Due to the growing green cleaning trend, manufacturers have taken the opportunity of developing biodegradable green brands. Green cleaning products usually free of additives or harmful chemicals and do not contain phosphates, chlorine, artificial fragrances, artificial colours. 

Why should homeowners green clean?

Makes your home safer
As mentioned, green cleaning aids in keeping your family and the environment healthy. More importantly, they keep your home safer. Most conventional cleaning products often contain labels such as 'Warning! Flammable! Toxic!' for a reason; many chemicals which are added in them can be dangerous when mixed together. Many of the hazardous chemicals in these products are often carcinogens, neurotoxins, mutagens, teratogens, or endocrine disruptors which can cause symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, skin rashes, headaches, and more.

Children and pets are more vulnerable to these toxins as a result of their higher exposure levels due to their size. Using green cleaning products that have no chemicals is far less dangerous for your home and family.

Cleans up your indoor air
Did you know that conventional cleaning products may contain Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)? Such products contribute to higher pollution indoors than outdoors and have been associated with a list of health problems such as damage to the liver, kidneys, and central nervous system. Green cleaning products do not have these compounds, instead, they nurture the clean air in your home. Certain green cleaning agents can also give your home a fresh scent. For example, 1/3 cup baking soda mixed with 10-15 drops of your favourite essential oils in a small jar can create a natural air freshener. Simply cover the mixture with a cloth or paper, and then secure it in place with a piece of string. 

Can save you money
Detergents are usually quite pricey and you often require different types for specific places in your home. For instance, using a toilet cleaner on your kitchen counter is not so favourable. You can save money by making your own green cleaning products. 

Here are a few natural cleaning hacks to help you save money:
    - You can mix 1 part olive oil to 1 part white vinegar and add 15 drops of lemon juice to spray on your wood or leather surfaces to make them shine. 

    - Give your shower a  green clean by combining 2 cups of vinegar, 2 teaspoons liquid non-Castile dish soap, and 20 drops of tea tree oil in a spray bottle.

    - Keep your pots and pans sparkling by using baking soda. Add 2 tablespoons of baking soda to a basin of hot water and let the pots or pans soak for a few minutes before washing the pan with a scourer.

Green cleaning saves you money and makes chores a breeze to handle. Having just a few products to take care of your general cleaning needs is far better than having a cupboard filled with toxic products. For more info, contact Knight Frank today.

23 Oct 2019
Author Knight Frank
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